
I am divine feminine energy.

Hailing from New York City, Princess Nokia is dynamite in a small package.

She is a woman who knows her power. When Genius asked her, "who are you?" She gave the most viral of answers, loaded with confidence, je ne sais quoi, and divine feminine energy.

Princess Nokia's boldness in saying the things that we are all thinking is refreshing and heroic. She encourages us to stomp out the ignorance that is wrapped in societal mores. What is stopping us from checking every show of misogyny? The veil has been lifted, and truth shall set us free.

Princess Nokia embodies activism, philosophy and dopeness through her music, modeling and social media platforms. She confidently sounds the trumpet for a woman's right to exist in her own body, without needing permission or validation. She also founded the Smart Girls Club, a podcast where she discusses healthy living and urban feminism. 

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